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We make easy to use WordPress websites

Our custom blocks make working with WordPress easy!

There are many different ways to edit a WordPress website.  There’s the default Gutenberg editor that comes with WordPress, the Classic Editor for a more old-school approach and numerous third party page builders like Elementor and Divi.  If you’re new to WordPress or websites in general, all of this can be confusing and you might be hearing some of these terms for the first time.  Don’t worry, here at Your Right Website we make editing your website easy.

How easy is it for me to update my website?

Here at Your Right Website, we build websites with custom blocks.  Think of your page template, which contains your site’s header area (the part with your logo and navigation links) and footer area (the part at the very bottom) as scaffolding and blocks as bricks in a building placed between the header and the footer.  Only unlike with a building, with blocks you start at the top and work your way down.

We’ve found that the default blocks that WordPress provides can sometimes be confusing, so we’ve created our own custom blocks that make editing and updating your website really easy.  Simply pick a block from the list to get started!

When we build your website, we’ll provide several custom-built blocks for you to start with, as well as build any additional custom blocks that are needed based on the unique needs of your project.

Your site will come with several blocks that we have expertly hand-crafted for our clients, as well as potentially some custom blocks developed just for your website.  When creating a new page, you simply select the block that you want to add to your website and then fill out a few form fields that determine the content the block should show.

Adding content using our custom built blocks is very easy. For short pieces of content, such as a headline, simply fill out a text box with what you want the words to say. For longer bits of content, you’ll have access to an easy to use WYSIWYG editor where you can customize how your text will display.

Adding images is also a piece of cake.  Simply select an image from your media library or upload a new image right from the editor!

With the block editor, you can select an image to use for your block. In this screenshot, you can see that the block easily allows you to select an image to use on desktop backgrounds for this particular block. Often, you’ll be able to specify a different image for desktop screen sizes and mobile screen sizes, which leads to a better user experience. In this example, you can also choose how the background image is positioned in the block, which is helpful for positioning the content of the image as the screen size gets smaller.

Controlling the look and feel of your blocks is also super easy.  We provide toggles that allow you to easily change the space between blocks (margins) as well as the padding at the top and bottom of each block.  You can also easily invert the color scheme of a block or set a custom background color.  You can also enable animations that load as the user scrolls for that extra WOW effect!

At the bottom of each block you can change many settings that effect how your block looks to your site’s visitors. Change margin and padding to adjust how close your block sits to other blocks. Or, change the background color by simply picking a color! Blocks are easy to customize and make your own!

Our custom WordPress blocks make creating new pages and updating content very simple.  If you can fill out a form, you can update your website with our custom blocks.  This is just another way that when you work with us, you get Your Right Website.

Want to learn more?  Schedule a free consultation with us today!  Or, if you’re not quite ready for a full meeting, but you have questions about our custom blocks, you can always contact us.