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WordPress Plugin Development

Need a custom plugin for your WordPress website?  We’ve got you covered!

Do you need your website to do something that is beyond the current capabilities of WordPress?  Do you need a custom solution to a unique problem?  Our custom plugin development services can help!

If you have an existing website, but want to extend its capabilities, you may require a custom plugin solution.  Here at Your Right Website, we can develop a custom WordPress plugin for your existing website based on your unique needs.

Our Custom Plugin Development Process:

In order to ensure that we develop a custom plugin that will work for your needs we follow the following process:

A man and a woman having a conversation at a table.

Initial Consultation and Requirements Gathering

Before you build a house, you need a blueprint.  The first step of the process is defining the blueprint for your custom plugin.  We will meet and discuss the requirements of your unique use case and put together a roadmap that defines how the plugin will be developed and how it will fit into your existing WordPress website.  We will also determine project timelines and budgets in this phase and put this all down in writing into a formal contract, should you choose to move forward with us.

A man in a hard hat walking on wood framing while constructing a house.

Plugin Coding and Development

Like when building a house, once the blueprint is complete the building can begin.  We’ll build your custom plugin according to your requirements, checking in with you often as we make progress.  You’ll be able to see the plugin come together, just as you can see a house being built from the foundation up.  You’ll be able to see progress as we build your plugin and we’ll alert you if further information is needed from you as we build your plugin.

A rocket blasting off into space.

Plugin Launch

Once development is complete, it’s time to launch your custom plugin.  Because integrating a custom plugin with an existing website isn’t always easy, we’ll be there to guide you every step of the way in getting your custom plugin working with your site.  Just like mission control guides the astronauts in space, we’ll guide you in setting the right options in your custom plugin to make it work perfectly on your existing website.

Ready to Get Started?

Ready to get started with custom WordPress plugin development?  Have a question?  Contact us for a free consultation!